Attorney Biography
Anna Dominick is attorney in Lexington, KY focusing on family law and issues related to divorce and separation. She graduated with her J.D. from the University of Kentucky College of Law in 2008, and from Berry College with a B.S. in Government in 2005. She currently holds an Of Counsel position at Osborne Fletcher PLLC in Lexington, KY. Previously, she was a co-owner of Devine & Dominick, PLLC and a partner at Miller, Griffin, and Marks PSC and served as a staff attorney for the Honorable Lucinda Masterton in the Fayette County Circuit Court Fifth Division.
Contact Anna L. Dominick
Anna L. Dominick
Osborne Fletcher PLLC
300 East Main Street Suite 310
Lexington, KY 40507
Osborne Fletcher PLLC
300 East Main Street Suite 310
Lexington, KY 40507
Office: 859-551-4005