Starla D. Zehr


Attorney Biography

Starla Zehr – Oakland County Family Law Attorney

Starla D. Zehr has been in practice since 1994, and has represented hundreds of satisfied clients. She offers a free consultation on most new matters. Consultations are confidential and allow potential clients to become thoroughly informed about the divorce process before making this important decision.

Family Law issues create significant stress and anxiety. Attorney Starla Zehr provides both compassionate advice and aggressive representation. She uses effective, proven negotiation techniques to resolve issues so that clients can move forward with their lives. In cases where litigation is unavoidable, powerful and aggressive advocacy will ensure that your legal rights are protected.

Starla Zehr has devoted her entire legal career to helping people resolve legal issues related to family law and divorce. In more than fifteen years of legal practice, Ms. Zehr has successfully assisted hundreds of individuals in their family law matters, with dedication and superior legal service.

Attorney Starla Zehr has a reputation for being caring, patient and compassionate with her clients, while remaining tough-as-nails with her opponents. She knows the Oakland County court system “in-side-and-out,” and she uses that experience to get the best possible results for her clients.

She will be at your side, every step of the way, to help you understand your options and to fight for your rights. Call her today to discuss your case and see how she can help you.

EDUCATION: Waterford Divorce Lawyer

1990 – Bachelors Degree, With HonorsOakland University – Rochester, Michigan

1994 – Juris Doctorate (Law Degree)Wayne State University School of Law – Detroit, Michigan

AWARDS: Waterford Divorce Lawyer

– Certificate of Achievement In Excellence for Moot Court– Certificate of Achievement In Excellence in Oral Advocacy– Trial Advocacy Program Honors Award

AFFILIATIONS: Waterford Divorce Lawyer

– State Bar of Michigan– State Bar of Florida– Oakland County Bar Association– Family Law Section, SBM

FAMILY LAW INFORMATION: Divorce & Separation Child Custody Child Support Visitation / Parenting Time Alimony / Spousal Support Property & Asset Division Legal Fees & Costs Choosing a Lawyer Legal Resource Links QUICK LINKS: Divorce & Separation Child Custody Child Support Visitation / Parenting Time Alimony / Spousal Support Property & Asset Division ADDRESS & HOURS: Sashabaw Law Center 4345 Meigs Street Waterford, MI 48329 ALL CONSULTATIONS ARE BY APPOINTMENT ONLY MAP & DIRECTIONS: Click For Larger Map RECOGNITION: We Accept These Credit Cards:Back to Top

Contact Starla D. Zehr

Starla D. Zehr
Starla D. Zehr PC
4345 Meigs Ave Suite B
Waterford, MI 48329

Office: 248-674-4500
Fax: 248-674-7570

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