Attorney Biography
Tiffany Oliver Leigh is a Certified Family Law Specialist and has been with the firm since 2004.
Tiffany is a skilled negotiator who seeks creative solutions both outside and inside the courtroom.
Her knowledge and experience in multifaceted family law cases continually elevates the firm.
Tiffany’s practice is focused on a wide array of family law cases including complex divorce cases involving business valuation, tax issues, property division, child custody, child support and prenuptial agreements.
In 2012, while serving as Chair of the New Mexico State Bar Association Family Law Section, Tiffany co-founded the Divorce Options Workshop, a monthly community outreach program designed to teach pro se litigants how to solve their family law issues without the need for court intervention.
This program received the 2013 Outstanding State Bar Program Award. (Tiffany is likewise frequently called upon by the court to serve as a settlement facilitator in all types of family law cases by the State Bar of New Mexico.)
Contact Tiffany Oliver Leigh
Little Gilman-Tepper & Batley PA
PO Box 26717
Albuquerque, NM 87125